LINDSAY, Thomas B.

LINDSAY, Thomas Bond. New York 28.4.1853 — Glenview, KY 22.7.1909. U.S. Philologist. Professor in Boston. Son of John W. Lindsay. Studies in 1865-68 at Genessee Wesleyan Seminar, 1869 Boston Latin School, M.A. 1874 American Wesleyan University. In 1874-77 further studies in Germany. Ph.D. 1882 Boston University. In 1877-88 taught at Newton High School in Newton, Mass. In 1878-84 Assistant Professor of Latin and Sanskrit and in 1884-1909 Professor of Latin and Sanskrit at Boston University. In 1878-1909 also University Librarian and gave his name to Lindsay Classical Library established by his students. He was more an educator than a scholar. Married 1874 Ada A. Hubbard, one son and one daughter.

Publications: Diss. Consonant variation in the Italic dialects. Manuscript, Boston 1882.

Wrote mainly on classical philology, published some text books and school editions, such as Slight Slips in Latin. Boston 1892; The Lives of Cornelius Nepos. 15+367 p. N.Y. 1882; The Satires of Juvenalis. N.Y. 1890; with G.W. Rollins, Easy Latin Lessons. Boston 1890.

Sources: E.B. Rodman in Briggs (ed.), Biogr. Dict. of North Am. Class. 1992, 362; Who Was Who in America 1.

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