ZALOSCER, Hilde (Hildegard Zaloszer). Tuzla, Austro-Hungarian empire (now in Bosnia-Hercegovina) 15.6.1903 — Vienna 20.12.1999. Austrian Art Historian and Egyptologist. Professor in Alexandria, Egypt. Daughter of a Jewish lawyer and state official, Jacob Zaloscer (1869–1951) and Bertha Kallach (1881–1939). The family moved in 1918 to Vienna, where she then studied prehistory and art history. Ph.D. 1926 Vienna. In 1927-36 editor of the theatre magazine Belvedere. Because of the rising anti-Semitism she moved in 1936 to Egypt. In 1946-68 Professor of Art History at Alexandria, famous as a specialist of Coptic art, but after Six-Day War expelled from Egypt as a Jew. Moved to Vienna, from 1972 Professor at Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, then 1975-78 Lecturer at Vienna. Unmarried.

Publications: Diss. Die frühmittelalterliche Dreistreifenornamentik der Mittelmeerrandgebiete mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Denkmäler am Balkan. 1926.

– With M. Kaufmann: “Zur Entwicklung der Ranke in Indien (Ein Problem der Ikonographie)”, Art. As. 6, 1936, 37-72.

– Quelques considérations sur les rapports entre l’art copte et les Indes. 9+70 p. 15 pl. Annales du service des antiquités de l’Egypte. Suppl. 6. Le Caire 1947.

– Much on Coptic art.

Sources: Wikipedia;

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