LINGAT, Robert

LINGAT, Robert Arthur. Charleville-Mézières (Ardennes) 22.12.1892 — Paris 7.5.1972. French Lawyer, Indologist and South-East Asian Scholar, long time in South-East Asia. After school in Charleville and law degree in Paris studied Sanskrit, Pāli (under H. Smith) and Thai (Lorgeou). In the WW I he served as interpreter for forces sent by the king of Thailand to France and this started his special love for Thailand. Years 1923-40 he spent in Thailand as juridical adviser and taught law at Thammasat University in Bangkok. Dr. 1931 Paris (but Wikipedia claims 1919). Forced to leave Thailand because of WW II he taught law at Hanoi University and from 1947 at Saigon University. Then again in Thailand and in 1955-61 at the University of Cambodia, says Wikipedia, but R.D. and Lardinois assert that he remained in Saigon until 1955, when he returned to France, then indicating that he was in Cambodia 1945-47. Back in France he taught law at É.P.H.É. and Thai at É.L.O.V.

Lingat was a pioneer in studies of South-East Asian law and also interested in South-East Asian Theravāda Buddhism. His Les sources du droit is an important classic work in studies of Indian law.

Publications: Diss. L’Esclavage privé dans le vieux droit siamois. 11+395 p. P. 1931.

Several books about Thai law (1936, 1935-40; 1938-39).

– “Le culte du Bouddha d’Emeraude”, JSS 27, 1934; “Vinaya et droit laïque. Études sur les conflits de la loi religieuse et de la loi laïque dans l’Indochine hinayaniste”, BEFEO 37, 1937, 415-477; “The Buddhist Manu or the Propagation of Hindu Law in Hinayanist Indochina”, ABORI 30, 1950, 284-297; “La conception du droit dans l’Indochine Hînayâniste”, BEFEO 44, 1951, 163-187; “Dharma et temps, à propos de Manu, I, 85-86”, JA 249, 1961, 487-495; “Les quatre pieds du procès”, JA 250, 1962, 489-503; other articles in JSS, BEFEO, TP, PENANT, etc.

Les sources du droit dans le système traditionel de l’Inde. 322 p. Le Haye 1967; English transl., The Classical Law of India, with additions, by J. D. M. Derrett. 305 p. Berkeley 1973.

Royautes bouddhiques: Asoka et la fonction royale à Ceylan. Deux études éditées par G. Fussman et E. Meyer. 271 p. Recherches d’histoire et de sciences sociales 38. P. 1989.

Sources: R.D., Revue intern. de droit comparée 24, 1972, 702-704; R. Lardinois, D.O.L.F. 603–605; G. Martini, JA 260, 1972, 217-222, with bibliography; Wikipedia with photo.

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