LOGAN, William. Ferney Castle near Reston, Berwickshire 17.5.1841 — 1914. British (Scottish) Civil Servant in India. Son of a farmer, educated at Musselburgh Academy. Studies at Edinburgh. In 1862 joined Madras Civil Service and served first in Arcot. In 1867 he was posted in Malabar. From 1876 Collector and Magistrate there. In 1883-84 Resident in Cochin and Travancore. In 1888 his superiors intended to move him to Cudappah, but he took early retirement instead and returned to Scotland. Married 1872 Anne Selby Burrell Wallace, three daughters and one son.
Logan’s huge Manual is a comprehensive account of geography, people, economy, religion and culture of northern Kerala. He spoke Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu.
Publications: Wrote on Keralan archaeology in IA 8, 1879 and later.
– Malabar Manual. 1–2. 1194 p. Madras 1887.
Sources: https://historicalleys.blogspot.com/2016/12/william-logan-1841-1914.html; Wikipedia briefly, with small photo.
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