LOHUIZEN-DE LEEUW, Johanna Engelberta van

LOHUIZEN-DE LEEUW, Johanna Engelberta van (née de Leeuw, Joan). Amsterdam 25.10.1919 — Amsterdam 8.12.1983. Dutch Indologist and Art Historian. Professor in Amsterdam. Daughter of Willem Carel de Leeuw and Margareta Lievina Muller, spent part of her childhood in the U.S.A. and came back to the Netherlands to school. Studies of Indo-Iranian at Leiden (cand. 1941 under Vogel) and Utrecht. Ph.D. 1949 Utrecht (Gonda). In 1945-51 taught at Utrecht Indonesian and Indian archaeology, art history and epigraphy. In 1951-59 Lecturer in Indian Art and Archaeology at Cambridge. From 1960 until her death Professor of Indian History and Archaeology at Amsterdam University. In 1977-78 Visiting Fellow at Cambridge. She planned to retire in 1984 and move to Cambridge, but died suddenly on a cerebrial haemorrhage. In 1943 married with Jan van Lohuizen, no children.

Van Lohuizen-de Leeuw was a noted specialist of Indian art and archaeology, whose interests included Central Asia, Thailand and Indonesia. Her dissertation was an important pioneer work on a difficult subject. She was very active in the biennial South Asian Archaeology conferences.

Publications: Diss. The Scythian Period. 12+435 p. 40 pl. Or. Rh.-Tr. 2. Leiden 1949.

– “Einige Miniaturen in het Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde te Leiden”, Cultureel Indie 4, 1942, 12-16; a great number of further articles.

– “Zuid-Azië tot 1500”, Wereldgeschiedenis. 1. Utrecht 1951, 6-78; “De Indische Gebieden (Voor-Indië en Achter-Indië)”, Algemene Kunstgeschiedenis. 6. Utrecht 1951, 116-182; “Storia dell’ Indonesia”, Le civiltà dell’ Oriente. 1. Roma 1956, 861-903; “Heinrich Zimmer and Indian Art”, Arts as. 4, 1957, 221-235; “Het Indische Cultuurgebied: Voor-Indië, Ceylon, Birma, Kambodja, Campa, Thailand, Vietnam”, Algemene Kunstgeschiedenis. 5. Zeist 1959, 1-74 & 188-192; “Zuid-Azië tot 1500”, Wereldgeschiedenis. 1. Zeist 1963, 7-100; id. Bussum 1972, 7-100.

– “The Dikpālas in ancient Java”, Bijdr. tot de T.L.V. 111, 1955, 356-384; “South-East Asian architecture and the Stūpa of Nandangaṛh”, Art. As. 19, 1956, 279-290, 5 fig.; “The Dhyāni-Buddhas of Barabudur”, Bijdr. tot de T.L.V. 121, 1965, 389-416; “The Paṭṭikerā Unadā and Variation of her Image”, Bhattasali Comm. Vol. Dacca 1966, 119-143.

– “Indian Ivories with special Reference to a Medieval Throne Leg from Orissā”, Arta as. 6, 1959, 195-216.

De protohistorische culturen van Voor-Indië. 37 p. Leiden 1960 (inaugural lecture).

With M. Taddei: “Arte dell’ Indonesia”, Le civiltà dell’ Oriente. 4. Roma 1962, 975-1030.

– “The Date of Kaniṣka and some recently published Images”, A. Basham (ed.), Papers on the Date of K. Leiden 1968, 126-133; “India and its Cultural Empire”, D. Sinor (ed.), Orientalism and History. Bloomington & L. 1970, 36-67; “Gandhāra and Mathurā: Their Cultural Relationship”, Aspects of Indian Art. Leiden 1972, 27-43; “Archäologie und Kunst”, Einführung in die Indologie. Darmstadt 1979, 206-232; “The Stūpa in Indonesia”, The Stūpa. Wb. 1980, 277-300.

– “The Pre-Muslim Antiquities of Sind”, SAA 1975, Ld. 1979, 151-174; “New Evidence with regard to the Origin of the Buddha Image”, SAA 1979, B. 1981, 377-400.

Some Buddhist sculptures and Indian paintings. 16 p. 10 pl. Amsterdam 1982.

Sources: F.R. Allchin, SAA 1983, Naples 1985, 2-7 (with photo); J. Boisselier, Aarts as, 42, 1987, 102-104; *J. G. de Casparis, BTLV 142, 1986, 191-197; J.C. Harle, JRAS 1985, 65f.; *J.M. Rosenfield, AAA 37, 1984, 109-1??; *D.M. Srinivasan, Art.As. 46, 1985, 149-153; bibliography in *SARAS Bulletin 2, 1983, 76-84 and Dutch Indology homepage; Wikipedia; another photo in Gonda, Indology in the Netherlands. 1964.

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