LONGHURST, Albert Henry

LONGHURST, Albert Henry. Great Bookham, Surrey 1876 — 1955. British Archaeologist and Art Historian in India and Sri Lanka. Son of David Longhurst and Mary Ranger. Employed in A.S.I., in 1910-11 Superintendent of Western Circle, then of Southern Circle, in 1927-31 conducted excavations at Nagarjunakonda. In 1935-40 Archaeological Commissioner of Ceylon, mainly working at Polonnaruwa and concentrating more on conservation (or rather restoration) than on excavation. His extensive restorations involving new structures and sculptures have been severely criticized. He was brother-in-law of —> John Marshall, who married his sister Florence. Himself married Beatrice Gonther Margaret Nestor (1888–1952), at least one son.

Publications: Annual report of the Archaeological department, southern circle, Madras, for the year 1912-1913. 75 p. Madras 1913; Government of Madras. Epigraphy, recording the progress of the Assistant arch. Superintendent for Southern circle, for the year 1912-1913. 131 p. Madras 1913.

– Excavation reports in ASIAR 1915, 1916, on those at Nagarjunakonda in ASIAR 1927-28, 43-121; 1928-29, 100-104; 1929-30, 144-151.

– Hampi Ruins Described and Illustrated. 10+141 p. ill. Madras 1917.

– Pallava Architecture. 1-3. 124 p. 67 pl. M.A.S.I. 17, 33, 40. Simla & Calcutta 1928-30.

The Story of the Stūpa. 54 p. 43 pl. Colombo 1936; The Buddhist Antiquities of Nagarjunakonda. 4+67 p. 50 pl. M.A.S.I. 54. Delhi or Calcutta 1938.

Sources: Godakumbura 1969, 26-28; Wikipedia briefly.

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