LORIMER, John Gordon. Glasgow 1870 — Bushire, Persia 8.2.1914. British (Scottish) Civil Servant in India. Sonof Rev. Robert L. and Isabella Lockhart Robinson, brother of —> D.L.R.L. and others. Educated at High School of Dundee. Studies at Edinburgh University and Christ Church, Oxford. He joined the I.C.S. in the Pañjab and served as Political Officer in North Waziristan in 1898-99 and in the Khyber in 1899, and as Assistant Secretary in the Foreign Department, Government of India. From 1902 Deputy Commissioner, thenBritish Resident in the Persian Gulf. C.I.E. 1902. His famous Gazetteer was a secret document, opened to public only in 1955. Married Marian MacLean (d. 1959), two daughters.
Publications: Customary Law of the Peshawar District. 7+36 p. Lahore 1899.
– Grammar and Vocabulary of Waziri Pashto. 10+345 p. Calcutta 1902.
– Gazetteer of the Persian Gulf, Oman and Central Arabia. Completed and ed. by L. Birdwood. 1-2. Calcutta 1908-15, repr. 1970.
Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; Wikipedia with photo.
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