LUBAC, Henri de

LUBAC, Henri-Marie Joseph Sonier de. Cambrai 20.2.1896 — Paris 4.9.1991 (when 95). S.J. French Catholic Theologian and Scholar of Comparative Religion. Cardinal of the Roman Church. Sn of a banker, of ancient nobility, schooled by Jesuits in Lyon, where the family had moved in 1898. Joined Jesuit order 1913 and studied in England. Participated in WW I in French army, wounded. From 1919 again theology studies in England. Ordained priest 1927 in Lyon. Dr.theol. Gregorian University, Rome (without diss.). In 1929-61 Professor at Catholic University, Lyon (with interruptions), also taught at Jesuit seminary in Fourvière. Cardinal 1983.

With his original theological ideas Lubac had long time a prohibition of teaching, during the papacy of Pius XII, but became later influential and had an important part in decisions of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65). During the war he had worked against the Nazis in the Resistance and published an underground paper, the Témoignage Chrétien.

Publications: c. 40 books about Christian religion and history of religions, including a few about Buddhism, Aspects du Bouddhisme. 1-2. P. 1951-55, La rencontre du Bouddhisme et de l’Occident. Paris 1952, and Amida. 359 p. P. 1955, also several articles; in his Œuvres complètes these form vols. 21-22.

Sources: J. Ducor, “Les écrits D’H. de L. sur le bouddhisme”, Les cahiers bouddhiques 5, 2007, 81-110; Badische Zeitung 5.9.1991; Wikipedia with photo and further references.

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