BRIEM, Olof Efraim (born Olsson). Helsingborg 17.9.1890 — Lund 15.6.1946. Swedish Historian of Religions. Son of merchant Olof Ludvig Olsson (d. 1908) and Emma Cecilia Rosendahl. Matriculated 1909 from Lund. Studies at Lund: Cand, theol. 1912, Cand. philos. 1913, Lic. philos. 1915, Ph.D. 1918, Dr. theol. 1923. Ordained priest. From 1918 Docent of History of Religions at Lund, from 1928 Professor of Theology there. He was mainly interested in Mesopotamian religion and in psychology of religion. Married Ella Frideborg Sofia Hammar, one daughter.
Publications: Diss. Studier över moder- och fruktbarhetsgudinnorna i den sumerisk-babyloniska religionen. 4+236 p. Lund 1918.
– Kultur och religion i Babylonien och Assyrien. 175 p. Stockholm 1926.
– Babyloniska myter och sagor. 225 p. Stockholm 1927.
– Indiska gestalter. Nio korta biografier. 339 p. Stockholm 1935.
– Further works on religion, a Hebrew grammar, etc.
Sources: Swedish Wikipedia with photo; parents and family in
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