MACPHERSON, Samuel Charters (not Charles!). Aberdeen 7.1.1806 — Calcutta 15.4.1860. British (Scottish) Colonial Officer in India. Major (1854). Son of Hugh M. (1767–1854), Professor of Greek at King’s College, Aberdeen, and Anna Maria Charters (1784–1807). Educated in Edinburgh, then two years at Cambridge (Trinity College). Joined Madras Army in 1827. From 1831 participated in Trigonometrical Survey of India in Hyderabad and Nellore. In 1837 to Orissa (Ganjam). In 1839-40 on sick leave in Australia (NSW, Everest) or Cape (readinggames), then back in Ganjam. From 1845-47 Agent for the Suppression of Meriah Sacrifice and Female Infanticide of Khonds in the Hill Tracts of Orissa. After another sick leave in Europe from 1853 as Political Agent in Bhopal and from 1854 in Gwalior, in 1857 he achieved that Sindhia did not join the uprising. Married, at least one son.

Publications: “Report on the Goomsur, Duspullah, and Boad Zemindaries”, MJLS 7, 1838, 400-412.

Report upon the Khonds of the Districts of Ganjam and Cuttack. Calcutta 1842.

– “An Account of the Religious Opinions and Observances of the Khonds of Goomsur and Boad”, JRAS 7, 1843, 172-199; “An Account of the Religion of the Khonds in Orissa”, JRAS 13, 1852, 216-274.

Memorials of Service in India from the Correspondence of the Late Major S.Ch.M. 10+400 p. L. 1865 (ed. by his brother, W. Macpherson, contains much on Khonds).

Sources:; G. Everest, Historical Records of the Surveys of India. 4, 464; *G.G[oodwin], D.N.B. 36, 1893, 279f.; with photo; Wikipedia with photo.

Last Updated on 7 months by Admin


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