MARETIĆ, Tomislav

MARETIĆ, Tomislav (Tomo). Virovitica, Eastern Croatia 13.12.1854 — Zagreb 15.1.1938. Croatian Classical and Slavic Linguist. Gymnasium in Varaždin, Požega and Zagreb. Studied Slavic and classics at Zagreb, Ph.D. 1884 (diss. on Croatian accent). Further studies at Leipzig and Prague. In 1886-1914 taught Slavic as eo. Professor (1890 ord.) at Zagreb, and in 1919-24 IE linguistics. In 1908-38 redactor-in-chef of the great Serbo-Croatian dictionary published by JAZU (Croatian Academy). In 1915-18 President of JAZU.

Publications: A Serbo-Croatian grammar (Gramatika i stilistika hrvatskoga ili srpskoga književnoga jezika. 1899 and many edd.) and other works; a number of translation from Greek (Homer), Latin (Vergil), Polish, French, and Russian.

Translated: Pesma o kralju Nalu. Ulomak iz staroindijskoga Mahabharata. 150 p. Srpska književna zadruga 181. Beograd 1924 (in Serbian).

Sources: *J. Mindak, Lex. gramm. 1996, 606; Vyncke, Annuaire 20, 1973, 534f.; Enciclopedija Leksikografskog Zavoda 4, Zagreb 1968 (with photo); Wikipedia with photo.

Last Updated on 2 years by Admin


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