MARICQ, André. Genial (Brabant) 29.11.1925 — Paris 22.6.1960 (when 34). Belgian Archaeologist, Art Historian and Historian, specially interested in Byzantium, the Near East and Afghanistan. School at Athenée d’Ixelles (Brussels), studies at Université libre de Bruxelles (cand.phil). Served as voluntary in British troops in the liberation of Belgium and the Netherlands, then continued his studies especially under H. Grégoire (lic.phil. 1947). Beside Byzantium also studied Sanskrit. In 1950-55 worked as research scholar in Belgium concentrating on Sasanid seals. In 1953-54 research trip in the Near East and Iran. In 1954-57 worked in D.A.F.A. participating in the excavations at Bactra (Balkh) and Surkh Kotal. In 1957 he found the minaret of Jām in Afghanistan. Naturalized as French citizen in 1958 spent his last years in Paris, working in C.N.R.S. Died after a long illness. He had important role in the decipherment of Bactrian (which he called étéo-tokharien) inscriptions of Surkh Kotal.

Publications: “Les débuts de la prédication de Mani et l’avènement de Sāhpuhr Ier”, Annuaire de l’Inst. de philol. et d’hist. orientales et slaves 11 (Mélanges Grégoire), 1951, 245-268.

– With E. Honigmann: Recherches sur les Res Gestae Divi Saporis. 204 p. 4 pl. Mém. Acad. roy. Belg., cl. de lettres 2:47:4. Bruxelles 1953 (one chapter only by E.H.).

With G. Wiet: Le Minaret de Djam, découverte de la capitale des Sultans Ghorides (XIIe–XIIIe siècles). 91 p. 17 pl. M.D.A.F.A. 16. P. 1959.

– “La grande inscription de Kaniṣka et l’étéo-tokharien l’ancienne langue de la Bactriane”, JA 246, 1958, 345-446; “Bactrien ou étéo-tokharien?”, JA 248, 1960, 161-166; “La Date de Kaniṣka. Deux Contributions en Faveur de 78 ap. J.-C. With preface in English and revisions by Jacqueline Pirenne and English Translation by J. G. de Casparis”, Basham, Papers on the Date of Kaniṣka. Leiden 1968, 155-199; and further articles.

Classica et Orientalia. 12+176 p. 7 pl. P. 1965 (articles republ. from the Syria 1955-62, including Byzantine studies).

Sources: Ph. Gignoux, Encyclop. Iranica 2005; H. Grégoire, La Nouvelle Clio 10-12, 1958-62, vf. with photo; H. Seyrig, Syria 38, 1961, 350-354 with photo; *Byzantion 196?; few lines in French Wikipédia.

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