MARTINETTI, Pier Federico Giuseppe Celestino Mario (Piero). Ponte Canavese (Turin) 21.8.1872 — Cuorgnè (Turin) 23.3.1943. Italian Philosopher interested in Indian Thought. Son of an anticlerical advocate, Francesco M., and Rosalia Bertogliatti, educated in Ivrea. Studied at Turin ( under Flechia), Ph.D. there 1893. After further studies in Leipzig taught philosophy at schools in northern Italy. From 1906 “professore di filosofia teoretica ed incaricato di filosofia morale” at R. Accademia scientifico letteraria in Milano. In 1931 he refused to give oath to fascists and had to leave university.

Publications: Diss. 1893 publ. as Il sistema Sankhya: studio sulla filosofia indiana, 150 p. Torino 1897.

La sapienza indiana: corredata da un’antologia di testi Indù e Buddisti. 223 p. Milano 1981 (lectures 1920 in Milano, the anthology by P. Caracchi),

Philosophical works.

Sources: G.R. Franci, “Piero M. e ‘Il Sistema Sankhya’”, La conoscenza dell’ Asia 1, 1984, 465-485; Gli studi orientali in Italia 1861–1911; Wikipedia with photo (more in Italian version).

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