MEISEZAHL, Richard Othon

MEISEZAHL, Richard Othon. Weissenburg (now Wissembourg, Alsace) 16.8.1906 — Schladean, Sieg 27.4.1992. German (of Alsace) Tibetologist. For health reasons interrupted gymnasium in 1920 in Cologne, obtained practical education and worked in a merchant firm until 1940. Being on business in Paris in 1927-28 he started studies of Indology and Tibetology. Exempted from army because of an illness he took again studies at Bonn. Ph.D. 1944 Bonn (degree conferred 1948). In 1945-47 Assistant (wissenschaftlicher Hilfsarbeiter) at Bonn, from 1947 until early retirement in 1965 in high positions of finance administration of the university. In retirement concentrated on his studies. Living near Bonn until his death. Married with Alice Caulfield-Devereux (d. 1985).

Meisezahl was a specialist of Tantric Buddhism who attempted to improve the conditions of its study with extensive surveys of manuscripts and xylographs. He began with Pāli (and Sanskrit), but then soon turned mainly into Tibetan studies. Altogether about 54 publications.

Publications:Ddiss. Der Buddhavaṁsa und seine Textgeschichte. Manuscript of 82 p. 1944

Die tibetischen Handschrifte und Drucke des Linden-Museums in Stuttgart. 166 p. Tribus 7. 1957; “Über den Derge Tanjur der ehemaligen Preussischen Staats­bibliothek”, Libri 10, 1960, 292-306; “Alttibetische Handschriften der völker­kundlichen Sammlungen der Stadt mannheim im Reiss-Museum”, Libri 11, 1961, 1-48; “Tibetische Prajñāpāramitā-Texte im Bernischen Historischen Museum”, Libri 13, 1964, 215-252.

– “Die tibetische Version des Cintāmaṇidhāraṇī. Beitrag zum … Suvarṇa­prabhāsottama­sūtra”, Oriens 13-14, 1961, 284-335; “The Amogha­pāśa­hṛdaya­dhāraṇī”, Monumenta Nipponica 17, 1962, 265-328; The Amoghapāśa­hṛdaya­dhāraṇī Manuscript formerly kept in the Reiunji Temple, and its collateral Texts in Tibetan Transliteration. Koya 1965.

– “Die Göttin Vajravārāhī. Eine ikonographische Studie nach einem Sādhana-text von Advayavajra”, Oriens 18-19, 1967, 228-303, 7 pl.; “Akṣobhya-Mañjuvajra. Ikonographie und Ikonologie des Ekonaviṁśadātmakamañjuvajramaṇḍala”, Oriens 25-26, 1976, 190-274.

– “Śmasānavidhi des Lūyi. Textkritik nach der tib. Version des Kommentars des Lūyīpādābhisamayavṛtti”, ZAS 8, 1974, 9-127.

Geist und Ikonographie des Vajrayana-Buddhismus: Hommage à Marie-Therèse Mallmann. 276 p. 33 pl. Beitr. zur Zentralasienforschung 2. Sankt Augustin 1980.

Die grosse Geschichte des tibetischen Buddhismus nach alter Tradition rÑin ma’i čhos ’byuṅ čhen mo. 459 p. (with 366 facs. pl.) Monum. Tibetica historica 1:3. St. Augustin 1985.

– “Tibetische Handschriften und Drucke, vornehmlich chinesischer Herkunft, in der Staatsbibliothek (Preussischer Kulturbesitz) zu Berlin”, Acta Indologica 6, Narita 1984, 145-346 & Oriens 31, 1988, 154-239; “Catalogue des biographies des cinq Panchen Lama et d’autres xylographes tibétains (Collection Bacot) conservés au Centre d’Études des Religions Tibétaines de l’É.P.H.É. à Paris”, Journal of Naritasan Inst. of Buddhist Studies 9, 1985, 33-114.

Sources: Briefly in IIJ 9:2, 1966, 164; diss. in Janert; H. Eimer, ZAS 24, 1994, 234-237 (with photo); *H. Eimer, Vicitrakusumañjali: Volume presented to R. O. M. on the occasion of his 80th birthday. 160 p. Indica et Tibetica 11. Bonn 1986 (with bibliography); *R. Webb, Buddhist Studies Review 12, 1995, 65-67.

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