MEES, Gualtherus H. (Sadhu Ekarasa)

MEES, Gualtherus Hendrik (Sadhu Ekarasa). Rotterdam 6.8.1903 — Orsett, Essex 5.6.1955. Dutch Scholar of Religion. Son of Abraham Cornelis Mees (1864–1950) and Louisa Hen van Rijnberk (1873–1949). M.A. 1928 Cambridge, in Law. Then student of Vogel. LL.D. Leiden. He became a follower of Ramana Maharshi, went to India before the WW II and settled in Tiruvannamalai. In 1954 returned as ill, died two days after reaching England.

Publications: Een Hindoe Heilige der Negentiende Eeuw: de Boodschap van Sri Ramakrishna. 68+204 p. ‘s-Gravenhague 1929.

Diss. Dharma and society. 16+206 p. ’s-Gravenhage 1935.

The Human Family And India. 165 p. Bombay 1935.

– “Trikalikunram”, Cultureel Indië 1, 1939, 241-245.

Translated: De boodschap van Sri Krishna: de dialoog tusschen Sri Krishna en Oeddhava. 180 p. the Hague 1931; Sri Ramana Maharshi, De quintessens der Bhagavad Gita bestaande uit 42 verzen, uitgekozen en in Indische versmaat vertolkt. 37 p. ’s-Gravenhage 1950.

The key to the first chapter of Genesis. 95 p. Deventer 1940; Evolution, paradise, and the fall. 96 p. Deventer 1950; The revelation in the wilderness. 1-3. 22+407+348+355 p. Deventer 1951-54.

Sources: Scharpé, Bibliogr. 1966; G. Egert, Ramana Maharshi und seine Schüler. 2;; not in Dutch Indological Bibliography.

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