MEES, Gualtherus H. (Sadhu Ekarasa)

MEES, Gualtherus Hendrik (Sadhu Ekarasa). Rotterdam 6.8.1903 — Orsett, Essex 5.6.1955. Dutch Scholar of Religion. Son of Abraham Cornelis Mees and Louisa Hen van Rijnberk. M.A. 1928 Cambridge, in Law. Then student of Vogel. LL.D. Leiden. He became a follower of Ramana Maharshi, went to India before the WW II and settled in Tiruvannamalai. In 1954 returned as ill, died two days after reaching England.

Publications: Een Hindoe Heilige der Negentiende Eeuw: de Boodschap van Sri Ramakrishna. 68+204 p. ‘s-Gravenhague 1929.

Diss. Dharma and society. 16+206 p. ’s-Gravenhage 1935.

The Human Family And India. 165 p. Bombay 1935.

– “Trikalikunram”, Cultureel Indië 1, 1939, 241-245.

Translated: De boodschap van Sri Krishna: de dialoog tusschen Sri Krishna en Oeddhava. 180 p. the Hague 1931; Sri Ramana Maharshi, De quintessens der Bhagavad Gita bestaande uit 42 verzen, uitgekozen en in Indische versmaat vertolkt. 37 p. ’s-Gravenhage 1950.

The key to the first chapter of Genesis. 95 p. Deventer 1940; Evolution, paradise, and the fall. 96 p. Deventer 1950; The revelation in the wilderness. 1-3. 22+407+348+355 p. Deventer 1951-54.

Sources: Scharpé, Bibliogr. 1966; G. Egert, Ramana Maharshi und seine Schüler. 2;; not in Dutch Indological Bibliography.

Last Updated on 2 years by Admin


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