MENRAD, Joseph

MENRAD, Joseph. 22.3.1861 — 1929. German (Bavarian) Schoolteacher interested in Indology. School and also studies in Munich (Sanskrit and Classics). Ph.D. Teacher in gymnasiums in different places in Bavaria, in the 1890s in Burghausen, finally school director of Willibald-Gymnasium in Eichstätt (1921-26). He began the complete German translation of the Rāmāyaṇa, of which only the first Kāṇḍa appeared.

Publications: De Contractionis et Synizeseos Usu Homerico. 215 p. Monachii 1886 (diss.?), and other writings on classical philology.

Translated: Vâlmîkis Râmâyaṇa. Das Lied vom Kœnig Râma, ein altindisches Heldengedicht des Vâlmîki in sieben Büchern. 1. Erstes Buch. 52+307 p. Munich 1897.

Geschichte des bayerischen Herzogsschlosses (nunmehr königliche Burg) in Burghausen. 32 p. Burghausen 1898; plays.

Sources: Stray notes in Internet.

Last Updated on 2 years by Admin


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