MIHANOVIĆ Petropoljski, Antun. Klanjec 10.6.1796 — Novi Dvori 14.11.1861. Austrian (Croatian) Nationalist Author. Born in a noble family. Studied law at Vienna until 1817 and worked then as military judge. Entered soon the foreign department and served in Austrian consulates in Belgrad, Thessaloniki, Smyrna, Constantinople and Bucharest, retired 1858 and lived in Novi Dvori. During his early years he acted on behalf of the emancipation of Croatia and Croatian language. In order to show the value of Croatian, he wanted to show its relationship to Sanskrit, which he knew from the works of Paulinus and from British grammars published in Calcutta.

Publications: “Zusammenstellung von 200 laut- und sinnverwandten Wörtern des Sanskrits und Slawischen”, Hornmayr’s Archiv für Geschichte, Statistik, Literatur und Kunst 66, 67, 71, 1823.

Poetry and other works unrelated with India.

Sources: S. Batušić, Ö.B.L. 6, 1975, 278; Matišić 1976, 297; Vyncke, Annuaire 20, 1973, 530f.; Wurzbach; Wikipedia with portrait relief (more and photo in *Croatian version).

Last Updated on 2 years by Admin


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