MIKLOSICH, Franz Xaver, Ritter von (Franc Miklošić). Pichelberg(Untersteiermark, now Radomerščak in Slovenia) 20.11.1813 — Vienna 7.3.1891. Austrian (Slovenian) Linguist, Slavic and Gipsy Scholar. Son of a viticulturist, Georg M., went to school with the help of his uncle Thomas M., a minister. After gymnasium in Warasdin and Marburg/Drau (Maribor) in 1824-30, studied philology and law at Graz. Ph.D. 1838 Graz, Dr.iuris 1841 Vienna. For a while worked in law firms in Vienna. From 1844 Amanuensis in Vienna Hofbibliothek as Censor for Slavic, Modern Greek and Romanian. From 1849 ao. and in 1850-86 ord. Professor der slawischen Philologie und Literatur at Vienna University (new chair). From 1849 Abgeordneter, from 1861 Member of Austrian Herrenhaus. Knighted as Ritter in 1864. Married 1852 Cäcilia Rössler von Eichenfeld (1831–1867), two sons.
Miklosich was one of the founders of Slavic linguistics. Perhaps because of his Slovenian background he claimed Slovenia to be the Urheimat of the Slavs. In politics (as moderate liberal) he worked from 1848 vigorously for the sake of Slovenia and influenced on the Austrian school reform. He knew many languages and was also a noted scholar of Albanian and of Gipsy languages. He was the first to show the strong Greek element in Romani dialects all over Europe. He established the place of Slavic languages in comparative IE linguistics, until then more or less neglected.
Publications: “Sanskrit und Slawisch”, Jbb. der Literatur 105, 1844, 43-70.
– A great number of publications on Slavistics, especially Vergleichende Grammatik der slawischen Sprachen. 1-4. 1852-62, new ed. Vienna 1875-83; Lexicon palaeo-slovenico–graeco-latinum. 22+1171 p. Vindobonae 1862-65; and Etymologische Wörterbuch der slawischen Sprachen. 8+547 p. Vienna 1886; edited Old Slavic texts.
– Über die Mundarten und Wanderungen der Zigeuner Europas. 1-12. DWA Vienna 1872-80 (c. 840 p.); Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Zigeunermundarten. 1-4. SWA 77, 1874, 758-792 (1-2); 83, 1876, 535-562; 90, 1878, 245-296.
– Also wrote on Albanian, Romanian, Hungarian and Greek.
Sources: *F.H. Growse, JGLS 3, 1891-92, 1f. with photo; *R. Hummel, Lex. gramm. 1996, 639f.; *Klč, Slovenski biografski leksikon 2, Ljubljana 1933-52, 118-122; Matišić 1976, 297; *M. Murko, “M.s Jugend und Lehrjahre”, Fs. R. Heinzel 1898, 493-567; *J. Oppert, CRAI 35, 1891, 106-108; H.D. Pohl, N.D.B. 17, 493f. (with further biographical references); A. Slodnjak, Ö.B.L. 6, 1975, 281f.; Stache-Weiske 2017, 544; Vyncke, Annuaire 20, 1973, 531; Matišić 1976, 297; *Almanach Akad. Wiss. Wien 41, 1891, 219-226; Wikipedia with photo and further references; photo also in Pedersen 1959, 50.
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