MILEWSKI, Tadeusz. Kołomyja (Kolomija, Ukraine) 17.5.1906 — Cracow 5.3.1966. Polish IE, Slavic, Amerindian and General Linguist. Professor in Cracow. Son of Feliks M., a physician, and Justyna Wojakowska. In 1925-29 studies of Slavic at Lwów (L’viv), Ph.D. 1929 there (diss. on Polabian). In 1929-31 further studies of IE and Sanskrit at Cracow (under Rozwadowski and Willman-Grabowska) and 1931-33 in Paris (Meillet, Vendryes, Benveniste). PD 1933 Cracow. In 1939-40 imprisoned in German concentration camp. In 1945-50 Professor of General Linguistics at Catholic University of Lublin, in 1949-66 at Cracow. He was a friend of Karol Wojtyła (future John Paul II).
Publications: L’indo-hittite et l’indo-européen. 83 p. Polska Akad. Um. Cracovie 1935.
– Zarys językoznawstwa ogólnego. 1-3. Lublin & Kraków 1947-48; Językoznawstwo. Warszawa 1965, transl. Introduction to the Study of Language. 204 p. the Hague 1973; Indoeuropejskie imiona osobowe.228 p. Prace Kom. Językoznawstwa 18. Wrocław 1969; other works, mostly in Polish.
– “Similarities between the Asiatic and American Indian languages”, IJAL 26, 1960, 265-274; “Linguistic contacts between the peoples of America and Asia in the Precolumbiab era”, Ling. Posn. 11, 1966, 7-33; further works on West Slavic and on Amerindian languages.
Sources: M. Kaczmarkowski, Lex. gramm. 1996, 642; Wikipedia (see also *Polish and Russian versions).
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