MISTELI, Franz. Aesch, Solothurn 11.3.1841 — Brunnen 6.10.1903. Swiss IE, Indo-Iranian and Classical Scholar. Professor in Basel. Son of tailor Clement Calixt Misteli and Margaritha Nikola Neumann. After Canton School of Solothurn studies of classics and linguistics at Zürich, Bonn, Geneva, and Paris. Ph.D. Schoolteacher at gymnasium in St.Gallen in 1865-72 and in Solothurn in 1872-77. From 1873 PD für Sanskrit und Sprachvergleichung at Bern. From 1874 eo. Professor and from 1877 Professor of Comparative Linguistics at Basel University. After a paralysis in 1896 retired 1898. Married Katharina Louise Schneider. He is remembered of his work on language psychology.

Publications: “Ueber medial-endungen”, KZ 15, 1866, 286-302, 321-348 (in Sanskrit and Greek).

– “Ueber die accentuation des griechischen”, KZ 17, 1868; 19, 1870; 21, 1873 (147 p.).

– “Syntaktische Lesefrüchte aus dem classischen Altindisch”, Z. f. Völkerpsychol u. Sprachwiss. 7, 1871, 380-402.

– Other works.

Sources: Hist.-Biogr. Lex. der Schweiz 5; *E.N. Setälä, FUF Anz. 3, 1904, 227-229; *S. Simonyi, F.M. Denkrede. Lp. 1912 (with photo, now on Basel Univ. home page); *W.Str[eitberg], IF Anz. 15, 1904, 207f.; German Wikipedia briefly.

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