MODDER, Frank (Francis Hudson Lowe Modder). Colombo 4.6.1861 — 5.6.1916. British Colonial Officer in Sri Lanka. Major. Son of John William Modder (1831–1863) and Caroline Frances Anjou. Member of the Ceylon Branch of Royal Ceylon Asiatic Society from 1890. Chief Justice. Married Edith Blanche Joseph (1866–1924), father of Montagu Frank Modder (1891–1958, Professor of English) and three other sons and one daughter.
Publications: Articles on geology and antiquities of Ceylon in JRAS-CB, e.g.: “The Animal-Shaped Rocks of Kuruṇégala”, 11:40, 1890, 377-425; “Siṇhalese Weights and Measures”, 12:43, 1892, 173-202; “Kurunẹ´gala Vistaraya; with Notes on Kurunẹ´gala, Ancient and Modern”, 13:44, 1893, 35-57; “Ancient Cities and Temples in the Kurunẹ´gala District: Yápahuwa”, 13:44, 1893, 97-114 & 14:47, 1896, 118-124, 134-154 & 15:48, 1897, 23-37.
– Handbook to Kurunegala and its neighbourhood: “the city of the Elephant Rock,” etc. 7+38 p. Colombo 1894.
– A handbook to the elephant kraals in the Kurunegala District, North-Western Province, Ceylon: with special reference to charms and incantations practised on elephants, and notes on elephant language, elephant keepers…: and containing a guide to the forthcoming kraal…: and an account of the historical ruins at Yapahuva. 52 p. (Colombo?) 1902.
– Manual of the Puttalam District of the North-western Province of Ceylon. 9+183 p. Colombo 1908 (new ed. as Gazetteer of the…).
– The Principles of Kandyan law. 17+6+107+223 p. Galle L. 1902 (a standard work, new ed. L. 1914).
Sources: Death noted in JRAS-CB 26:70-1, 1917;
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