MØLLER (Möller), Hermann

MØLLER (Möller), Martin Thomas Hermann. Hjerpsted, Tonder 13.1.1850 — Copenhagen 5.10.1923. Danish Germanic and IE Linguist. Professor in Copenhagen. Son of Jens Georg Marius Møller (1816–91), a minister, and Ida Knuth (1819–1913). Grew up in Kejtum, in the area conquered by Germany in 1864. Matriculated 1867 from Flensburg. In 1867-72 studied classical philology and history at Kiel, Leipzig (Curtius), Munich, and Berlin, in 1874-75 at Breslau and Leipzig. Ph.D. 1875 Leipzig. PD 1878 Kiel. From 1883 PD and 1888-1921 Professor of Germanic Linguistics at Copenhagen. Married 1884 Sophie Mylord (1851–1933).

Following de Saussure Møller was an early laryngals. Few (except A. Cuny) accepted his theory about the genetic relationship between IE and Semitic languages.

Publications: Diss. Die Palatalreihe der indogermanischen Grundsprache im Germanischen. 66 p. Lp. 1875.

Three books on supposed IE–Semitic contacts, 1906-11 (Vergleochendes indogermanisch-semitisches Wörterbuch. 1911), much on Germanic.

Sources: H. Bach, D.B.L. 10, 1982, 235f.;  Wikipedia with photo; photo in Pedersen 1959, 336.

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