MOORE, Charles A.

MOORE, Charles Alexander. Chicago, Ill. 11.3.1901 — Honolulu 14.4.1967. U.S. Philosopher interested in Indian Thought. Studies at Yale: A.B. 1926, Ph.D. 1932. In 1933-36 Instructor in Philosophy at Yale. From 1936 at University of Hawaii: Assistant Professor 1936-40, Associate Professor 1940-48 and Professor of Philosophy 1948-55, in 1955-67 Senior Professor; in 1936-54 also Chairman of department. In 1947-48 visiting scholar at Banaras Hindu University. D.Litt. 1967 Visva-Bharati.

Publications: Founder and editor of the Philosophy: East and West 1951-67, articles there.

– Edited: Essays in East-West Philosophy: An Attempt at World Philosophical Synthesis. 12+467 p. Honolulu 1951; Philosophy and Culture East and West. 8+832 p. Honolulu 1962; The Status of the Individual in East and West. 21+606 p. Honolulu 1968; also books on East Asian thinking.

– Edited: The Indian mind: essentials of Indian philosophy and culture. 11+458 p. Honolulu 1967.

Edited. with S. Radhakrishnan: A Source Book In Indian Philosophy. Princeton 1957.

Sources: Life-data briefly in Philosophy: East & West 17, 1967 (Ch. A. M. Memorial Volume, with photo); Wikipedia.

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