OESTERLEY, Hermann. Göttingen 14.6.1833 — Breslau 2.2.1891. German Librarian and Scholar of Literature. Son of Ferdinand Oesterley, the mayor of Göttingen, and Mathilde Scharlach. Studies of philosophy and music at Göttingen, Ph.D. 1855 in Philosophy. In 1858-61 PD für theoretische Musik at Kiel. In 1862-72 worked at Göttingen University Library. In 1873-91 Kustos in Breslau Univ. Library. A specialist of narrative literature. Married Fanny Masius (1832–1921), one daughter.

Publications: Diss. Abriss der Geschichte der philosophischen Beweise für das Sein Gottes. 100 p. Göttungen 1855.

– Edited: Romulus: Die Paraphrasen des Phaedrus und die Aesopische Fabel im Mittelalter. 124 p. Lp. 1870; Gesta Romanorum. 8+755 p. B. 1872; Iohannis de Alta Silva Dolopathos: sive de rege et septem sapientibus. 23+99 p. Strassburg 1873.

Transl. Baitál Pachísí oder die fünfundzwanzig Erzählungen eines Dämon. 218 p. Lp. 1873.

Also wrote on history and literature.

Sources: A. Schnyder, N.D.B. 19, 1999, 461; ancestry.com.au.

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