OLMSTEAD, Albert Ten Eyck. Troy, NY 23.3.1880 — Chicago 11.4.1945. U.S. Oriental Scholar (Assyriologist and Historian). Professor in Chicago. Son of Charles Olmstead and Ella Blanchard. Studies at Cornell University (A.B. 1902, A.M. 1903, Ph.D. 1906). In 1904-05 Fellow in American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem, 1906-07 in American School of Classical Studies in Athens. In 1907-08 Director of Cornell University Expedition to Asia minor and the Assyro-Babylonian Orient. In 1908-09 Instructor in Greek and Latin at Princeton Preparatory School. Then taught Ancient History at University of Missouri: 1909-11 Instructor, 1911-14 Assistant Professor, 1914-17 Associate Professor. In 1917-29 Professor of Assyrian and Oriental History at University of Chicago and Curator of Oriental Museum. From 1929 to death Professor of Oriental History at Oriental Institute, Chicago. Married 1913 Cleta Ermine Payne, three daughters.

Publications: Diss. publ. as Western Asia in the days of Sargon of Assyria,  722-705 B.C. A study in oriental history. 7+192 p. Cornell Studies in Hist. 2. Lancaster PA 1908.

– With S. E. Trench: Travels and Studies in the Nearer East. N.Y. 1911.

Assyrian historiography: a source study. 7+66 p. Columbia Mo. 1916.

History of Assyria. 29+695 p. N.Y. 1923.

History of Palestine and Syria to the Macedonian conquest. 32+664 p. 75 pl. 1931.

Jesus in the light of History. 14+317 p. N.Y. 1942.

History of the Persian Empire: Achaemenid period. Ed. by G. G. Cameron. 19+576 p. 71 pl. Chicago Ill. 1948.

Minor works and articles.

Sources: J.A. Wilson, BASOR 99, 1945, 1-4 and *JNES 5, 1946, 1-8; Who Was Who in Am. 2; briefly in Wikipedia.

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