OVSJANIKO-KULIKOVSKIJ, Dmitrij Nikolaevič (Ukr. Dmitro Mikolajovič O.-K.). Kahovka, Tavrida guv. 23.1.(4.2.)1853 — Odessa 9.10.1920. Ukrainian Linguist, Indologist and Critic. Professor in Harkiv (Kharkiv), Academician in St.Petersburg. Born in a noble family, son of Nikolaj Nikolaevič O.-K. and Varvara Nikolaevna Rud’. After gymnasium in Simferopol studies of Sanskrit and linguistics in 1871-73 at St.Petersburg (Minaev), 1873-76 at Odessa (under Jagić), then in Prague and Paris (Bergaigne). In 1882-87 PD of Sanskrit and Comparative Linguistics at Odessa (Novorossijsk), in 1887-88 Professor at Kazan. In 1888-1905 Professor at Harkov (now Kharkiv), taught Sanskrit, too. From 1905 Professor at St.Petersburg, from 1907 full member of Imperial Academy in St.Petersburg. Moved to Odessa a few months before his death.
As Indologist Ovsjaniko-Kulikovskij was mainly a scholar of comparative mythology and Veda. He distinguished between natural and social myths and cults, and interpreted the ecstatic Soma cult, partly also fire cult as social ones. He discussed the relation between song, rhytm and ecstacy and was interested in sociology. In his early years he was a socialist and studied Marx. Later he became a well known scholar of Russian syntax and a critic of Russian literature. Among his students was P. Ritter.
Publications: “Opyt izučenija vakhičeskih kul’tov indoevropejskoj drevnosti v svjazi s rolju èkstaza na rannih stupenjah razvitija obščestvennosti. 1. Kul’t božestva Soma v drevnej Indii v èpohu Ved”, Zap. Imp. Novoross. Univ. 39, 1884, 561-588; “Rig-Veda, Zendavesta i Gaty v ih otnošenii k božestvennomu otkroveniju”, Hristianskoe čtenie 1886:1-2, 14-44 & 1886:5-6, 625-662; other articles.
– “K istorii kul’ta ognja v èpohu Ved”, Zap. Imp. Novoross. Univ. 45, 1887, 427-546; French tr. “Les trois feux sacrés du Rig-Veda”, RHR 20, 1889, 151-179.
– “Vedijskie ètjudy”, Žurnal Min. nar. prosveščenija 274, 1891:3, 1-17 & 284, 1892:12, 287-306; “Religija indusov v èpohu Ved”, Vestnik Evropy 1892:4, 662-696 & 1892:5, 216-242.
– Sintaksis russkogo jazyka. St.P. 1908; Grammatika russkogo jazyka. M. 1923-24; and other works on Russian.
– Sobranie sočinenij. 1-9. 2nd ed. Petrograd 1923-34.
– Vospominanija. 187 p. Petrograd 1923.
Sources: Bongard-Levin & Vigasin 101f.; B. Sov. Ènc. 18; R. Lewicki, Lex. Gramm. 1996, 684f.; N. Kotljarevskij, S. Ol’denburg, E. Kazanovič & M. Korolickij, “Pamjati D. N. O.-Kulikovskogo”, Načala 1922:2, 5-42; *Vigasin 2008, 201-203 with photo; see also Biobibl. slovar’ Kazan 1, 1904, 142f.; Russian and *Ukrainian Vikipedijas, both with photo.
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