XAVIER, Francisco

XAVIER, Francisco (Franciscus Xaverius, Francis Xavier, Francisco Javier). Javier, Navarra 7.4.1506 — Shangchuan Island, China 3.12.1552. S.J. Spanish (Basque?) Missionary in India. Member of Navarran nobility, studied in Paris (M.A. 1530). Friend and helper of Ignacio Loyola, one of the first Jesuits to take vows in 1534 (ordained 1537), founder of the Jesuit missions in India and, with less success, in Malacca, the Moluccas (Maluku) and in Japan. Came to India in 1542 and spent the rest of his life in the East. Died in an attempt to begin mission in China. Beatified by Pope Paul V on 25.10.1619 and canonized by Gregory XV on 12.4.1622, his remains are kept in a church in Old Goa (Basilica of Bom Jesus).

Publications: Letters: G. Schurhammer & J. Wicki (edd.), Epistolae S. Francisci Xaverii aliaque eius scripta. 1-2. Rome 1944-45.

Sources: *G. Schurhammer S.J., Franz Xavier, sein Leben und seine Zeit. 1-4. Freiburg 1955-62 (also in English tr.); Wikipedia with many details, portraits and further refrences.

Last Updated on 1 year by Admin


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