ZACHARIAE, Theodor Victor Hugo. Großkmehlen bei Liebenwerda, Brandenburg 3.2.1851 — Halle 5.5. 1934. German Indologist. Professor in Halle. Son of Karl Eduard Zachariae von Lingenthal (1812–1894), a specialist of Byzantine law and second generation nobleman. Educated at the same school in Pforta as Nietzsche, Deussen, and the only 2 years elder Wilamowitz. Studied classics and Sanskrit at Leipzig (Ritschl, Curtius, Brockhaus) and Göttingen (Sauppe, Benfey). Ph.D. 1875 Göttingen, in classics. Three years further studies at Oxford (Max Müller), conducted manuscript studies there and in London. From 1879 taught as PD at Greifswald, in 1883 title of Professor. At Greifwald he also worked as librarian. From 1890 ao. Professor of Comparative Linguistics at Halle, concentrated on Indology after 1895, when Bechtel became ord. of IE linguistics. He was continuously passed over in advancement and became full ordinary Professor only in 1921, a few months before his retirement. Married, widower 1933, no children.
Zachariae was the best specialist of Sanskrit lexicography in his times. As a student of Benfey he also was much interested in comparative study of folktales. In his later years he worked on the early history of Indology and old travel accounts. He was not very good as teacher (and more an Indologist than linguist).
Publications: Diss. De dictione Babriana. 36 p. Lipsiae 1875.
– Hab.diss. De Buddha, Buddhismo litterisque Buddhicis. Greifswald 1879 (?).
– Edited: Çâçvata’s Anekârthasamuccaya, ein homonymisches Sanskrit-Wörterbuch. 34+108 p. B. 1882; Die Anekārthasaṁgraha des Hemacandra. 18+132+206 p. Quellenwerke der Altindischen Lexikographie 1. Wien 1893, with Epilegomena in SWA 129:11, 1893; Der Maṅkhakośa. 7+73+160 p. Quellenw. 3. Wien 1897, with Epilegomena in SWA 141:5, 1899.
– With G. Bühler: “Ueber das Navasâhasâṅkacharita des Padmagupta oder Parimâlâ”, SWA 116, 1888, 583-630 (English in IA 36).
– Beiträge zur indischen Lexicographie. 8+100 p. B. 1883; Die indischen Wörterbücher. 45 p. Grundr. der Indoar. Philol. u. Altertumsk. 1, H 3B. Strassb. 1897.
– “Zum altindischen Hochzeitsritual”, WZKM 17, 1903, 135-155, 211-231.
– “Die Weisheitssprüche des Śānāq bei aṭ-Ṭortūšī”, WZKM 28, 1914, 182-210 (trans.); review of Caland’s Abr. Roger edition, GGA 1916, 561-615; “Über die Breve Noticia dos erros que tem os Gentios do Conção da India”, NGGW 1918, 1-34.
– “Zitate aus buddhistischen Sanskritwerken”, ZII 9, 1933-34, 1-16 (in Bengal commentaries of 12th century).
– Numerous brief articles in BB, GGA, KZ, WZKM, Z. des Vereins für Volkskunde, ZII, etc., most republished in Kleine Schriften zue indischen Philologie, zur vergleichenden Literaturgeschichte, zur vergl. Volkskunde. 8+400 p. Bonn & Lp. 1920; and Opera minora zur indischen Wortforschung, zur Geschichte der indischen Literatur und Kultur, zur Geschichte der Sanskritphilologie. Hrsg. von C. Vogel. 1-2. 14+974 p. Glasenapp-St. 12. Wb. 1977.
Sources: *Margot & Martin Kraatz, Carl Capeller, Moriz Winternitz und Theodor Zachariae. Indologica Marpurgensia 2. Munich 2010, 101-146; S. Kratzsch, “Th. Z.”, Wissenschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Halle und Indien. Martin-Luther Univ. Halle-Witt. wiss. Beitr. 44. Halle 1987, 59-66; G. Mehlig, WZHalle 7:4, 1958, 898f.; W. Printz, ZDMG 88, 1934, 338-340; Stache-Rosen 1990, 115f.; bibliogr. in Kleine Schriften and Opera Minora; briefly D.B.E. 10, 1999, 610; German Wikipedia with photo. Another photo in Rau 57 (also in Indology in G.D.R. 1978).
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