ZIEGLER, Jakob Friedrich. Dagersheim near Stuttgart 8.5,1832 — Grossheppach, Weinstadt, Württemberg 18.11.1906. Rev. German Missionary in South India. Son of the elder J. Fr. Ziegler (1789–1871), a farmer and butcher, and Maria Margareta Dannecker (1797–1836). From 1862 worked as teacher for Basel Mission in mangalore and Dharwar. After a visit to Basel again in India in 1877-86 and after another furlough 1888-95, then returned because of his wife’s illness. Married 1865 in Mangalore Juliane Luise Kolb (1841–1896), eight daughters and five sons. His diaries are kept in Basel.
Publications: A School-Dictionary, English and Canarese. 1876, 2nd rev. and considerably enl. ed. by Chr. Watsa. Mangalore 1889, 5th ed. Ml. 1919, 6th ed. 614 p. Mangalore 1929.
– A practical key to the Kannada language.Mangalore 1882, 6th ed. 108 p. 19??.
Sources: zeitreise-bb.de; gedbas.genealogy.net; gw.geneanet.irg; stray notes in Internet.
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