VOGT, Hans Kamstrup

VOGT, Hans Kamstrup. Fredrikstad, Østfold, Norway 1.6.1903 — Oslo 25.9.1986. Norwegian Linguist. Professor in Oslo. Son of Nils Anton Vogt, a medical officer, and Jenny Sofie Kamstrup. Educated at Lycée Corneille in Rouen, studies at the universities of Paris and Oslo. Graduated in classics at Oslo in 1928, also studied Sanskrit. In 1929 studied Armenian in Paris (Meillet), in 1932 a year Georgian and Kartvelian linguistics in Tbilisi. Ph.D. 1936 Oslo. In 1937-38 further studies of linguistics at Yale under E. Sapir, also field-work on Kalispel Indians. Then worked in Oslo. In 1946-63 Professor of Romance Lin­guistics at Oslo, in 1963 succeeded A. Sommerfelt as Professor of General Linguistics, retired 1973. Hon.dr. Tbilisi. Married 1940 Johanne Abigael Allwood, née Koren (1917–1977).

Vogt was a famous specialist of Caucasian and Armenian languages, who also wrote on Ossetic, Basque and Burushaski, on Norwegian phonology and on Amerindian languages.

Publications: Diss. “Esquisse d’une grammaire du géorgien moderne”, Norsk Tidsskrift for Sprogvidenskap 9, 1936 5-114, rev. ed. Grammaire de la langue géorgienne. 278 p. Oslo 1972.

On Amerindian: The Kalispel Language. An Outline of grammar with texts, translations, and a dictionary. 178 p. Oslo 1940; Salishan Studies. Comparative Notes on Kalispel, Spokan, Colville, and Coeur D’Alene. 19 p. Oslo 1940.

With G. Morgenstierne & C. Hj. Borgstrøm: “A Triplet of Burushaski Studies”, NTS 13, 1942, 59-147; alone: “The plural of nouns and adjectives in Burushaski”, NTS 13, 1945, 96-129.

Dictionaire de la langue oubykh. 264 p. Oslo 1963.

Numerous articles.

Sources: K. Bergsland, Intern. Journal of American Linguistics 55, 1989, 83-85; Fr. Thordarson, Norsk Biobr. Lex. online 2009 with photo and *Lex. Gramm. 1996, 979f.; briefly in Wikipedia.

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