VOSTRIKOV, Andrej Ivanovič

VOSTRIKOV, Andrej Ivanovič. Agarevka (Ogarevka) village in Atkarskij uezd, Saratov gub. 10.(23.)10.1902 — 26.9.1937 (Milib. 26.10., some say, probably mistakenly, in 1939 or 1942). Russian Indologist, Tibetan and Mongolian Scholar. Son of a priest. He graduated 1924 from Petrograd University. Student of Ščerbatskoj and Vladimircov. Dr. literaturovedenija 1935. In 1924-37 naučnyj sotrudnik in Asian Museum, Institute of Buddhist Culture and Oriental Institute in Leningrad, from 1929 also taught at Institute of Living Oriental Languages, Leningrad University. In 1927-32 spent every summer in fieldwork in Buryatia. Ph.D. 1935. He was arrested in April 1937 and soon executed. Even before he had difficulties in publishing his studies. Rehabilitated 1958. He was twice married, one son.

Publications: At least 10 items, e.g.

– “Some Corrections and Critical Remarks on Dr. Johan van Manen’s Contribution to the Bibliography of Tibet”, BSOS 8:1, 1935, 51-76 (Russian original in Bližnij Vostok 1934);  “The Nyāyavārtika of Uddyotakara and the Vananyāya of Dharmakīrti”, IHQ 9, 1935, 18-35.

Letopis’ barguzinskih burjat. Teksty i issledovanija. 75 p. M.–Lg. 1935.

Tibetskaja istoričeskaja literatura. 417 p. M. 1962, Tibetan historical literature. Transl. by H. C. Gupta. 278 p. Calcutta 1970.

Sources: N. Poppe, Reminiscences. Western Washington 1983. *Said to be mentioned by Solženitsyn in Gulag I, p. 5; Miliband 1977 & 1995 (omitting the arrest!); Vasil’kov & Sorokina 2003 with photo; photo also in his 1962 book.

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