VRIES, Johann Dietrich Ludwig de. Gennep, Limburg 18.4.1894 — 19??. Dutch Indologist. Son of a railway officer, educated in Utrecht. From 1915 studied at Utrecht classical philology, Sanskrit (Caland) and linguistics (Schrijnen). Cand. 1918 and Dr. in class. phil. 1921 Utrecht. In 1921-22 studied Romanistics at Amsterdam. In 1923 deputy Professor of Latin at the Dutch University of Stellenbosch in South Africa, then travelled. In 1925 studied Veda and Slavistics at Lille, in 1926-27 Indology and Linguistics at Bonn under Jacobi and Kirfel. Ph.D. 1928 Bonn. Apparently worked then as schoolteacher in the Netherlands.
Publications: Diss. Der Śrāddhakalpa im Harivaṁśa und in fünf anderen Purāṇen. 45 p. Bonn 1928.
– “On Compounds of the Type Goghná and Gáviṣṭi”, JAOS 48, 1928, 166-176.
– “Purāṇa Studies”, Oriental Studies in honour of C. E. Pawry 1933, 482-487.
Sources: Vita in diss.; the names in the diss. are Germanised (elsewhere just initials), but I have been unable to find any further information about him.
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