POULTNEY, James Wilson

POULTNEY, James Wilson. Chattolanee, county Baltimore, MD 21.9.1907 — Baltimore 8.6.1993. U.S. IE Linguist and Classical Scholar. Professor in Baltimore. Son of William D. Poultney and Elinor D. Wilson. M.A. 1932, Ph.D. 1934 Johns Hopkins (diss. on Aristophanes). In 1934-37 taught Greek and Latin at Johns Hopkins. Then at University of Nebraska, at Carthage College in Kenosha, Wis. and at University of Pennsylvania. From 1942 served as German translator to Army Air Corps in London. After war Professor of Classics at Johns Hopkins. Emeritus in 1973. Active hiker and bird-watcher.

Publications: Syntax of the Genetive Case in Aristophanes. 15+235 p. Baltimore 1936; Bronze Tables of Iguvium. 16+333 p. American Philological Association Philological Monographs 18. Oxford 1959; articles on Italic, Greek and Latin.

– “The distribution of the nasal-infixing presents”, Language 13, 1937, 163-176; “Evidence for Indo-European Alternation of Initial gw and w”, Language 39, 1963, 398-408; “Some Indo-European Morphological Alternations“, Language 43, 1967, 871-882; “Some Indo-European final Diphthongs”, AJPh 90, 1969, 146-160.

Sources: W.W. Briggs Jr. dbcs.rutgers.edu with photo from early period; http://articles.baltimoresun.com/1993-06-13/news/1993164047_1_poultney-johns-hopkins-university-ceep.

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