PRATT, John H.

PRATT, John Henry. London 4.6.1809 (?) — Ghazipur 28.12.1871. Rev. British Clergyman, Astronomer and Mathematician in India. Son of Rev. Josiah Pratt and Elizabeth Jowett. After Oakham School studies at Caius College, Cambridge. B.A. 1833, M.A. 1836. From 1838 chaplain in service of E.I.C., from 1850 Archdeacon of Calcutta. Fellow of Royal Society 1866. Died of cholera. Married 1854 Hannah Maria Brown, children.

Beside science Pratt was much interested in the history of Indian astronomy and supported the translation of the Siddhāntaśiromani (1863). But as a clergyman he also tried to show that scientific criticism of the Bible was not valid and himself criticized evolution.

Publications: “On Colebrooke’s determination of the date of the vedas”, JASB 31, 1862, 49f.; wrote on geography, astronomy and mathematics.

Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; *J.C. Browne, Mission Life 3, 1872, 163-169; *A.M. Connell, Oxford D.N.B. 2004;; Wikipedia with portrait.

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