QUACKENBOS, George Payn. New York 1879 — New York 1947. U.S. Linguist interested in Sanskrit. Son of John Duncan Q., a Professor of English Literature, and Laura Amelia Pinckney. Studies at Columbia University, New York (A.M.). In 1910 Instructor in Latin at New York City College. Ph.D. 1915 Columbia. Married 1915 Marjorie Cordingley, children.
N.B. His grandfather was the elder G.P.Q. (1826–1881), LL.D., a New Yorker who wrote a number of textbooks of English, history, etc.
Publications: “Classical allusions to the pearl-fisheries of the Persian Gulf”, Spiegel Mem. Vol. Bombay 1908, 251-255.
– Edited & translated: “The Mayūrāṣṭaka, an unedited Sanskrit poem by Mayūra”, JAOS 31, 1911, 343-354.
– Diss. publ. as Mayūra. The Sanskrit poems. Ed. with transl., notes and introduction, together with the text in transliteration and transl. of Bāṇa’s Caṇḍīśataka. 22+362 p. Indo-Iranian Series 9. N.Y. 1917.
Sources: Stray notes in Internet.
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