TAYLOR, John. Edinburgh 17?? — Shiraz 6.12.1821. British (Scottish) Physician and Indologist in India. M.D. 1804 Edinburgh. Worked in 1805-07 for London Missionary Society in Madras, then as government Assistant Surgeon and from 1821 Surgeon in Bombay. Member of Asiatic Society and Literary Society of Bombay. Died in Iran, traveling for health reasons.

Publications: Translated: Prabod’h Chandro’daya, or Rise of the Moon of Intellect; an allegorical Drama, and Atma Bodh, or, the Knowledge of Spirit. Translated from Shanscrit and Pracrit. 15+121 p. L. 1812, 2nd ed. by Tookaram Tatya. Bombay 1893; German transl. by J. G. Rhode: “Prabod’h Chandro’data, das ist, der Aufgang des Mondes…”, Beiträge zur Alterthumskunde mit bes. Rücksicht auf das Morgenland 2, B. 1820, 41-99.

Translated: Lilawati: or a treatise on arithmetic and geometry. 39+161 p. Bombay 1816 (Līlāvatī of Bhāskara).

– “Translation of a Grant of Land in the Concan; with four Sheets of Inscriptions”, Transactions of the Literary Society of Bombay 3, 1820, 391-397 (by Dr. Taylor of Bombay – probably the same).

Sources: Wikipedia very briefly.

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