THIESSEN, Jakob Heinrich. Hemme/Kr. Norder-Dithmarschen, Schleswig-Holstein 28.7.1854 — 1???. German Student of Indology. Son of a farmer, after primary school in home region attended Gymnasium in Altona in 1871-75. In 1875-80 studied at Kiel modern languages, Germanistics and especially Sanskrit and Pāli under Pischel. Ph.D. 1880 Kiel. His brief dissertation contains the text of the K. legend from the Dhammapada Commentary, its translation, notes and a Greek parallel.

The above birth date is from the dissertation. But in an e-mail message Dr. P. Vycihl refers to for “ein Jacob Hinrich Thiessen (geboren am 8. Januar 1854 in Hemme) am 8. Januar 1920 in Berlin gestorben”. The same information is also given in

Publications: Diss. Die Legende vo Kisâgotamî. 1. 36 p. Breslau 1880.

Sources: Life in diss.; diss. not in Janert, but given in Meier’s review, OLZ 1962, 295.

Last Updated on 3 months by Admin


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