TREGEAR, Vincent. Truro, Cornwall 1787 — Haslar, Hampshire 24.1.1851 ( Gosport, Hampshire 17.1.1851). British Colonial Officer in India. Colonel. Son of Henry Tregear and Elizabeth Doyle. In 1836 elected Honorary Member of A.S.B. One source seems to indicate a connection with Royal Navy. Married 1810 Catherine Sibyl Hodgkinson (1790–1831), seven children.
Another possibility would be his son, Vincent Tregear (England 4.4.1809 — Meerut 10.5.1857) who also served in India (as did some other descendants of the first V.T.) and was Principal of Bareilly College, but he seems rather young to be our author. He was married with Elizabeth Hannah Seely (1820–1880) and had nine children ( Major-General Vincent William Tregear, 1842–1926). Shot in Meerut. V. A. Smith in JASB 58:1, 1889, 87 mentions him as a friend of Alexander Cunningham, who achieved a fine collction of coins, now in Bodleiana. This, I think, suits better to the son.
Publications: “Notice of an Ancient Mahal or Palace near Jaunpur, in which some Hindu Coins were lately dug up”, JASB 3, 1834, 617-620; “Mode of taking facsimiles of coins”, JASB 10:1, 1841, 158f.
– A couple of scientific articles in the JASB 8-11, 1839-42.
Sources: Stray mentions in Internet, family details in In his articles he is just called Esq. without any title.
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