RIVETT-CARNAC, John Henry (Harry). London 16.9.1838 — Vevey, Vaud, Switzerland 11.5.1923. British Colonial Officer and Scholar of Indian Prehistory. Colonel. Born in a family with long tradition of Indian service, son of Admiral John Edward R.-C. (1796–1869) and Maria Jane Davis. In 1858-94 worked in Bengal Civil Service (i.a. as secretary to R. C. Temple), also raised and commanded the Ghazipur volunteer regiment. C.I.E. 1878. Retired, lived for a while in Suffolk and then settled in Switzerland. Married 1868 Annie Marian Durand (1843–1935), no children.

Publications: Report on the land revenue settlement of the Wurdah District of the Central Provinces, 1867. 15+11+122 p. Nagpore 1867; Report on the Cotton Department: For the Year 1868-1869. 8+145p. 8 pl. Bombay 1869.

– “The snake symbol in India, in connection with the worship of Ṣiva”, JASB 48:1, 1879, 17-30, 2 pl.

– “Memorandum on coins of the Sunga dynasty”, JASB 49:1, 1880, 87-90, 3 pl.

Many articles on prehistoric antiquities in IA, JASB and PrASB.

Many Memories of Life in India, at Home and Abroad. 20+448 p. Edinburgh – L. 1910.

Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; H.M. Durand, JRAS 1923, 491f. (eloquent, but almost no information); https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Rivett-Carnac-25 (quoting The Spectator) with photo.

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