RUPP, Joseph

RUPP, Joseph. Hamberg near Priem 14.3.1822 — Freising 24.9.1894. German Roman Catholic Priest and Schoolteacher interested in Indology. Studies of theology at Freising High School and Munich University. Ordained priest in 1845. Worked several years as priest in Upper Bavaria, from 1850 taught at Gymnasium in Freising (1858 as gymnasium professor). Taught classical languages, Hebrew, English and French. Retired 1882. Sanskrit was always his favourite hobby. As Benfey in GGA 1857, 1416-1420 praises his translation, one would guess that Rupp was his student, but apparently he was never in Göttingen.

Publications: “Amba und Sita. Aus dem Indischen übertragen”, Jahresbericht über das kgl. Lyceum, Gymnasium und die lateinische Schule zu Freising 1857, 1-51 (from Benfey’s Chrestomathie).

– “Gnomae Indicae selectae Latinis versibus redditae”, Progr. zum Studienjahresschluss a. d. kgl. Studien-Anstalt zu Freising 1866, 1-64.

Sources: Publications in Ges.Vz.; Stache-Weiske 2007, 588.

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