WALHOUSE, Moreton John. Leamington, Warwickshire 19.4.1821 — London 11.1.1913. British Civil Servant in India, interested in Archaeology and Folklore. Son of James Walhouse (1764–1838) and Elizabeth Huskisson (1788–1876). After Haileybury (1841-42) served in Madras Presidency, finally Judge of Mangalore. Retired in 1873 and settled in London. Married 1850 Baroness Elizabeth Amelia Beire de Kutzleben (1830–1881), three sons and two daughters.
Publications: “Notes Antiquarian and Mythical”, MJLS 20 (N.S. 4), 1858-59, 53-66 (highly speculative); “On Some Formerly Existing Antiquities on the Nilgiris”, IA 2, 1873, 275-278; “Buddhist vestiges in Trichinopalli”, IA 4, 1875, 272-274; “Bronze antiquities from India”, IA 4, 1875, 302; “Some rude sepulchral stone monuments in India, Persia, and Western Asia”, IA 8, 1879; and several further archaeological notes in IA 1873-81.
– “On the Westward Spread of some Indian Metaphors and Myths”, IA 8, 1879, 162-164.
– “Notes on the Megalith Monuments of the Coimbatore District, Madras”, JRAS 7, 1875, 17-34.
– “Some Account of a Leaf-Wearing Tribe on the Western Coast of India”, JRAnthrInst 4, 1875, 369-376 (Koragus of South Canara); “On the Belief in Bhutas – Devil and Ghost Worship in Western India”, JRAnthrInst 5, 1876, 408-425; “On Non-Sepulchral Rude Stone Monuments”, JRAnthrInst 7, 1878, 21-43; “Some Vestiges of Girl Sacrifices, Jar Burial, and Contracted Interments in India and the East”, JRAnthrInst 11, 1882, 415-423.
– A couple of articles in Folk-lore 1893-94, etc.
Sources: Stray notes in Internet; dates and family in ancestry.com; Memorials of old Haileybury College. Hertford 1894, 280.
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