WALLICH, Nathanael Wolff (born as Nathan ben Wulff W.). Copenhagen 28.1.1786 — London 28.4.1854. Danish Physician and Botanist in India. Son of Wulff ben Wallich (Wolff Lazarus Walllich, 1756–1843), a Sephardic Jewish merchant with German background (from Altona), and Hanne Jacobson (1757–1839). After surgeon’s examination in 1816 in Copenhagen entered Danish medical service and went to Serampur (Frederiksnagore) in 1807. When this was soon seized by the British during Napoleonic wars, he was first imprisoned, but released in 1809 and joined British E.I.C.’s service in 1813. He was assistant of Roxburgh and in 1817-46 his successor as the Superintendent of the Botanic Garden in Calcutta. From 1814 also Superintendent of the new museum of A.S.B. Retired to London for health reasons in 1846 and became Vice-President of Linnean Society. He explored Nepal and Assam and sent others to little known regions to study and collect plants. Named a great number of plants. M.D. 1819 Aberdeen, hon. dr. 1821 Copenhagen. Presented a collection of Indian books to Copenhagen University. Twice married, 1812 with Juliane Hals (called Mary Ann, 1797–1812, died two months after marriage) and 1815 with Sophia Collings (1797–1876), seven children with her.
Publications: Edited with W. Carey W. Roxburgh’s Flora Indica. 1-3. Serampore 1820-32.
– Plantae Asiaticae Rariores. 1-3. London 1830-32; five botanical articles in As. Res.
Sources: *M. Krieger, N.W. Ein Botaniker zwischen Kopenhagen und Kalkutta. 2017; Buckland, Dictionary;*Pauly, Køb. Univ. 8, 1992, 522; Wikipedia with two drawings.
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