WALTER, Hermann

WALTER, Hermann. 1863 (?) — 1952 (?). Swiss (?) Student of Indology. Ph.D. 1893 Munich (E. Kuhn). For his dissertation studied manuscripts in England. The title page of the diss. makes it clear that his doctorate was indeed at Munich University. However, the Canadian page presents Hermann Walter (1863–1952) of Basel, who studied at Neuchâtel and Edinburgh (M.A.) specializing in Sanskrit and Pāli and made his doctorate at Tübingen (!). Then taught at private schools and colleges in the U.K. and in 1900 migrated to Canada, where he was Lecturer and soon Professor of Modern Languages, then of Germanic Languages at McGill University, Montréal, emeritus 1936. In Canada he published studies on German literature. Could Tübingen be mistake instead of Munich?

Publications: Diss. Svātmārāma’s Haṭhayogapradīpikā (‘die Leuchte des Haṭhayoga’) aus dem Sanskrit übersetzt. 34+52 p. Munich 1893.

Sources: Diss. in Janert, no life in diss;

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