WEST, Raymond

WEST, Raymond. Ballyloughrane, co. Kerry 18.9.1832 — 8.9.1912. Sir. Irish (of English background) Civil Servant in India. Son of Frederick West,a journalist, and Frances Raymond.Studies of law atat Queen’s University, Galway, graduated 1855 and joined I.C.S. “Went out to Bombay, 1856. In the mutiny in the S. Mahratta country. Under Secretary to Bombay Government, 1862, Registrar of the High Court, 1863, Judge of Canara, 1866, Judicial Commissioner in Sind, 1868, and 1872.” In 1869-71 on health leave in Ireland, further studies and to Bar. “Called to the Irish bar, 1871. Judge of the High Court, Bombay, 1873-87. Member of the Indian Law Commission, 1879. On special duty in Egypt, to reform the judicial administration, 1885. Vice-Chancellor of the Bombay University, 1886 [until 1892, also 1878 ]. Member of Council, Bombay, Nov. 1887 to April 1892. K.C.I.E. 1888. LL.D. Edinburgh. President of the Bombay Branch of the R.A.S., Vice-President of the R.A.S.” Retired 1892. Back in the U.K., he was Lecturer in Indian Law at Cambridge from 1895, 1901-07 Reader. Married 1867 Clementina Fergusson Chute (1841–1896) and 1901 Annie Kirkpatrick Cook, three daughters and one son from the first marriage.

Publications: Edited: Acts and Regulations of the Legislature in Force in the Presidency of Bombay, from 1827 to 1866. 1-2. Bombay 18??.

The Land and the Law in India: An Elementary Inquiry and Practical Suggestions. 58 p. Bombay 1873.

Edited with G. Bühler: A digest of the Hindu law of inheritance, partition, and adoption: embodying the replies of the Sâstris. 1867-69, 2nd ed. Bombay 1878, 4th ed. 91+1276 p. L. 1919.

Higher education in India: its position and claims. 61 p. L. 1892.

Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; S.V.F.G., D.N.B. Suppl. 1927, 568f.; *W. Lee-Warner, JRAS 1913, 245-250; D. Murphy, D.I.B. 9, 855f.; briefly in Wikipedia.

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