WESTMACOTT, George Edward. London 23.2.1807 — near Kabul 23.11.1841, when 35. British Colonial Officer in India. Son of George W. (1783–1868) and Ann Knightley Seller (1781–1855). Arrived in India in 1823 as Ensign. Captain 1833, then Assistant to the Government General’s Agent in North-East Frontier, visited Assam and Sindh. Participated in the siege of Bharatpur and in first Afghan war, killed in action. Unmarried.
Publications: “Some Account of a Sect of Hindu Schismatics in Western India, calling themselves Rámsanèhí, or Friends of God”, JASB 4, 1835, 65-82; “Description of Ancient Temples and Ruins at Chárdwár in Assam”, JASB 4, 1835, 185-195; three articles on Khyrpoor (Khairpur) in Sindh in JASB 1840-41.
– Indian commerce and Russian intrigue: the present and future prospects of our Indian empire. 84 p. L. 1838.
Sources: Stray notes in Internet; parents in ancestry.com.
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