WHEELER, James Talboys. Oxford 22.12.1824 — Ramsgate, Kent 13.1.1897. British Civil Servant and Historian in India. Son of James Luft Wheeler, a bookseller, and Anna Ophelia Talboys, privately educated. “Began as a publisher and book-seller. [During Crimean War] War Office extra clerk. Went to Madras to edit the Madras Spectator, 1858. Became a Professor in the Madras Presidency College, employed to examine the old Madras records… Assistant Secretary to the Government of India, Foreign Department, 1862-70. Secretary to the Chief Commissioner of British Burma, 1870-3. Reported on the Government Records, retired, 1891.” Thus S. Wheeler, but there are conflicting accounts of his later career. It is also said that he was again in Burma in 1872-79 and pensioned in 1879, after which the government ignored his application for financial support. Married 1852 Emily Roe (1829–1880), children.
Publications: Madras in the Olden Times, 1639–1748. 1-3. Madras 1860-62; Summary of Foreign Affairs (India). Calcutta 1864-69 (or 1868); History of the Imperial Assemblage at Delhi. 19+248 p. L. 1877; Early Records of British India. L. 1878; India under the British Rule. L. 1886; lesser works.
– The History of India. 1. The Vedic Period and the Mahâ Bhârata. 75+576 p. L. 1867; 2. The Râmâyana and the Brâhmanic Period. 87+680 p. L. 1869; 3. Hindu, Buddhist and Brahmanical. 24+500 p. L. 1874; 4:1. Mussulman Rule. 32+320 p. L. 1879; 4:2. Moghul Empire – Aurangzeb. 27+321-600 p. L. 1881.
– Works on Old Testament and Greek history.
Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; S.W[heeler], D.N.B. 60, 1899, 440f., rev. by *D. Washbrook, Oxford D.N.B.; Wikipedia.
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