WIJK, Nicolaas van. Delden, Overijssel 4.10.1880 — Leiden 25.3.1941. Dutch Slavic, German and IE Linguist. Son of Aart Willem van Wijk, a minister, and Bregitta Bruijn. Educated at Zwolle gymnasium. In 1898-1901 studied Dutch at Amsterdam, also learned Sanskrit and Gothic from Uhlenbeck. Ph.D. 1902 in IE linguistics. Then further studies at Leipzig (Brugmann), now also Slavic under Leskien, and briefly in Moscow. After a brief period as schoolteacher of German worked from 1907 at Royal Library in the Hague. From 1913 Professor of Slavic and Baltic linguistics at Leiden (new chair). Unmarried.
Publications: Diss. Der nominale Genitiv Singular im Indogermanischen in seinem Verhältnis zum Nominativ. 98 p. Zwolle 1902.
– A few articles on IE, e.g. “Zur Konjugation des Verbum substantivum”, IF 18, 1905-06, 49-59; “Zum indogermanischen Ablaut”, IF 20, 1906-07, 332-346; “Das indogermanische Wort für ’Ameise’”, IF 33, 1913-14, 367-376.
– Much on Balto-Slavic and on East European literature, also on Dutch and Germanistics.
Sources: *J. van Ginneken, Jaarboek der K.N.A.W. 1940-41, 192-207; *J.P. Hinrichs, N. van W. (1880–1941): Slavist, linguist, philanthropist. Amsterdam 2006; K. Horálek, *Byzantinoslavica 9, 1947-48, 409-411 (republ. in Sebeok 1966:2, 459-462); *W. J. J. Pijnenburg, Lex. Gramm. 1996, 1011; Wikipedia, long article with three photos and further references.
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