WOOLNER, Alfred C.

WOOLNER, Alfred Cooper. Etruria Hall near Hanley, Staffordshire 13.5.1878 — Lahore 7.1.1936. British Indologist in India. Professor in Lahore. Son of Captain Henry Woolner, an artist and art teacher, and his wife Catherine Esther, grew up in Suffolk. Educated in Ipswich, in 1897-1902 studied Sanskrit (Macdonell), Chinese and Classics at Oxford (Trinity College). From 1903 Principal of Oriental College of the University of the Punjab and Registrar of University in Lahore, from 1922 Professor of Sanskrit at the same University. In 1903-23 also University Librarian, 1921-28 Dean of University Instruction and 1928-36 Vice-Chancellor. C.I.E. 1926. Hon. D.Litt. 1935 Punjab. Died of pneumonia. Married 1908 with Mary Emily Bland (d. 1944).

Woolner was much appreciated as a Sanskrit and Middle Indo-Aryan scholar, who mainly concentrated on literary studies. His large collection of Sanskrit and Hindi manuscripts remains in Lahore. Among his students was Vishva Bandhu.

Publications: “The Indian origin of the Gypsies of Europe”, JPHS 2, 1913-14, 118-137; “Studies in Romani Philology”, JGLS N.S. 9, 1915, 119-128.

Introduction to Prākrit. 1916, 2nd ed. 16+235 p. Lahore 1928.

Aśoka. Text and Glossary. 37+256 p. Panjab Univ. Or. Publ. Lahore 1924.

– “Sanskrit Names of Drugs in Kuchean”, JRAS 1925, 623-638.

Translated with Laksman Sarup: Thirteen Trivandrum plays attributed to Bhāsa. 1-2. 10+200+181 p. Punjab Univ. Or. Publ. 13. Lahore 1930.

Translated: The Jasmine Garland (Kuṇḍamālā). 14+50 p. Punjab Univ. Or. Publ. 27. L. 1935.

– “The date of Kuṇḍamālā”, ABORI 15, 1934, 236-239; a number of other articles.

Languages in History and Politics. 167 p. O.U.P. 1938.

Sources: R.R.S., JPHS 4:2, 1935, 163-166 with photo; M. Shafi (ed.), Woolner Memorial Vol. Lahore 1940 with photo; Who Was Who 1929–1940; parents (but not wife) in ancestry.com; Wikipedia with photo.

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