SAINT-MARTIN, Antoine-Jean. Paris 17.1.1791 — Paris 17.7.1832 (Brosset & S. de S. say 10.7.). French Oriental (mainly Armenian) Scholar. Son of a tradesman, he first planned commercial career, but at Collège des Quatre-Nations learned Persian, Syriac, Turkish and especially Arabic and Armenian and thus became interested in languages and student of Silvestre de Sacy at É.L.O.V. From 1820 member of A.I.B.L., worked in foreign ministry and from 1824 director of the Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal. In 1820 one of the founders of the Société asiatique. Close friend of Abel-Rémusat. Married 1818. Died in the cholera epidemy.
Saint-Martin participated in the decipherment of Old Persian cuneiform (following Grotefend), studied Avesta, and occasionally wrote on India, too. He attempted to cover many fields (also Egyptology) and has been characterized as being somewhat superficial and rash in his conclusions. Of his works, several were only published posthumously, edited by F. Lajard.
Publications: Mémoires historiques et géographiques sur l’Arménie. 1-2. 12+450+519 p. P. 1818-19.
– With J. Zohrab, Choix de fables de Vartan. 12+96 p. P. 1825 (edited & transl.); other works on Armenian.
– “Notice sur l’ancienne histoire de l’Inde et sur les historiens du Kaschmyr en particulier”, JA 1, 1822, 361-368.
– “Extrait d’un Mémoire relatif aux antiques Inscriptions de Persépolis”, JA 2, 1823, 65-90; “Nouvelles Observations sur les Inscriptions de Persépolis”, MAIBL 12:2, 1836, 113-146.
– Recherches sur l’histoire et la géographie de la Mésène et de la Characène. 23+296 p. 1 pl. P. 1838.
– Fragments d’une histoire des Arsacides. 1-2. Paris 1850.
– A few further works, articles and reviews in JA, JS, etc.
Sources: M.-F. Brosset, Notice historique sur M. A.J.S.-M. 22 p. P. 1833; Silvestre de Sacy in St.-M.’s 1838 book, vii-xxiii; N.B.G.; Wikipedia with portrait.
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