SALOMONS (Prooije-S.), Henriette J. W.

SALOMONS (Prooije-S.), Henriette Johanna Wilhelmina. Rotterdam 20.5.1882 — the Hague 23.8.1959. Dutch Indologist. Daughter of Constant Theodoor Salomons, director of a gas factory, and Trinette Maria Kortman. From 1901 studies of Dutch at Leiden (i.a. under Uhlenbeck), with little progress, after B.A. moved to Utrecht and took Sanskrit under Caland. Ph.D. 1913 Utrecht. In 1917 married with Dirk Johan van Prooije, a chemist, two children. She became a housewife, but soon also active in the social work of Catholic Vrouwenbond. In 1928-29 Lecturer of Dutch at Copenhagen University.

Publications: Diss. Het Hindoesche huisritueel volgens de school van Bhāradvāja. 127 p. Utrecht 1913 (text edition, reprinted with English title Bhāradvāja-gṛhyasūtram. The domestic ritual according to the school of Bhāradvāja. 25+127 p. N.D. 1981).

Gewijde verhalen en legenden van Hindoes en Boeddhisten. 16+414 p. Zutphen 1916 (freely adapted from Sister Nivedita’s Myths of the Hindus and Buddhists).

Translated: De geschiedenis van Koning Nala: een episode uit het Mahābhārata. 151 p. Zutphen 1921, Javanese transl. 1979.

Translated from French: St. Jan de Doper by Dom C. Flicoteaux O.S.B. Utrecht 1948.

Sources: A. Salomons, Jaarboek van de Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde 1961, 135-138 in; Dutch Indology homepage.

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